点 × 線
Dots × Lines

2020.2.8 (sat) - 9(sun)
横浜市民ギャラリー 地下1階展示室
I had been thinking about how to not merely do calligraphy and dance simultaneously, but how to fuse the two together. So, in 2014, in order to externalize this internal mystery, I began doing research in England. In 2015, I developed a theoretical framework for how to integrate 2D calligraphy into 3D bodily expression, drawing on Laban Movement Analysis. Originally created in Taitung Taiwan in November of 2019, this performance makes use of a gallery space to push the fusion of calligraphy and dance further than ever before.
Date and Time
2/8 (土) 13:00 / 16:00
2/9 (日) 13:00 / 16:00
* 開場は 開演 30 分前になります。
*上演時間:約 40 分
2/8 (sat) 13:00 / 16:00
2/9 (sun) 13:00 / 16:00
*The doors will be opened 30 mins before.
*The running time will be approximately 40mins
自由席/ 税込
一般前売 ¥2,500
一般当日 ¥2,800
*学生 (当日・前売) ¥ 2,000
*高校生以下 (当日・前売) ¥ 1,000
Unreserved sheet only / TAX included
Adv General ¥2,500
Adv Door ¥2,800
* Student (Adv & Door) ¥2,000
* Under 15 (Adv & Door) ¥1,000
*ID required