12/18(土) 16時-17時
12/19(日) 14時-15時
横浜市民ギャラリー/ オンライン
2500円 (会場/ライブ配信)
ご予約はコチラから▶︎ bit.ly/3HhK6uK
A double bill: Chiharu Kuronuma & Teruki OKAMOTO
Kuronuma is known as both a choreographer and a calligrapher. She developed a theoretical framework for integrating 2D calligraphy into a 3D bodily expression by employing aspects of the Laban Movement Analysis.
In this time, she focuses on calligraphic flow and trajectories. Okamoto is a juggler and choreographer and was awarded in an international competition. He has been working on the discovery of the "Principle of Motion"through his juggling
perspective. Both use choreography as part of a research process that unites dance with another perspective.
18th of Dec,sat/ 4pm -5pm
19th of Dec, / 2pm -3pm
■Venue :
Yokohama Civic Gallery/ Live streaming
2,500 JPY (at the venue /Live streaming )
GET TICKET ▶︎ bit.ly/3HhK6uK